sql optimizations
1. Chopping up a query Way how to slice up a query is to divide and conquer, keeping it essentially the same but running it in smaller “chunks” that affect …
Vitess: A database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL
Vitess combines many important MySQL features with the scalability of a NoSQL database. Its built-in sharding features let you grow your database without adding sharding logic to your application. Vitess …
tmux aliases
Put into ~/.zshrc
italic in tmux
1. Check if italic font is supported 2. Create screen-256color.terminfo 3. Execute the command 4. Add the following lines to .vimrc: 5. Add the following line to .tmux.conf: 6. Add to ~/.zshrc …
Vimspector: A multi-language debugging plugin for Vim
Vimspector: The plugin is a capable Vim graphical debugger for multiple languages. It’s mostly tested for c++, python and TCL, but in theory supports any language that Visual Studio Code …
syslogd server and client in golang
Server side Server is running on port localhost:514 Client side Sending message to log server: Output on server side: DONE 🙂
GraphQL server in 3 min
index.js save and then now open in your browser http://localhost:4000 and insert this object as query result: DONE! 🙂
fd: simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
fd is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find Features Convenient syntax: fd PATTERN instead of find -iname ‚*PATTERN*‘. Colorized terminal output (similar to ls). It’s fast (see benchmarks below). Smart case: the search is case-insensitive by default. It …
Upterm: sharing terminal sessions instantly over the public internet
Upterm is an open-source solution for sharing terminal sessions instantly over the public internet via secure tunnels. Upterm is good for Remote pair programming Access remote computers behind NATs and firewalls …