DarwinKit: Native Apple APIs for Golang!

DarwinKit: Native Apple APIs for Golang! DarwinKit lets you work with supported Apple frameworks and build native applications using Go. With XCode and Go 1.18+ installed, you can write this program in …


Notify was born out of my own need to have my API servers running in production be able to notify me when critical errors occur. Of course, Notify can be used for any …


ZeroMQ: An open-source universal messaging library. ZeroMQ (also known as ØMQ, 0MQ, or zmq) looks like an embeddable networking library but acts like a concurrency framework. It gives you sockets …

gofr: An Opinionated Go Framework

GoFr is Opinionated Web Framework written in Go (Golang). It helps in building robust and scalable applications. This framework is designed to offer a user-friendly and familiar abstraction for all …


Spot is a simple, cross-platform, reactive GUI toolkit for Go using native widgets where available. It is designed to be easy to use and to provide a consistent API across …

golang, huh

huh: A simple, powerful library for building interactive forms and prompts in the terminal. huh? is easy to use in a standalone fashion, can be integrated into a Bubble Tea application, and …

Go DNS package

Go DNS is a package that implements a DNS interface in Go. This library takes a new, innovative and enterprise ready approach sends and receives queries to and from the DNS. It is …