go-pretty: Utilities to prettify console output of tables, lists, progress-bars, text, etc. with a heavy emphasis on customization. Execute go run github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/v6/cmd/demo-table@latest colors to get:
https://htmgo.dev htmgo is a lightweight pure go way to build interactive websites / web applications using go & htmx. By combining the speed & simplicity of go + hypermedia attributes …
approf: Open pprof profiles without command-line hassle ✨. Features
DarwinKit: Native Apple APIs for Golang! DarwinKit lets you work with supported Apple frameworks and build native applications using Go. With XCode and Go 1.18+ installed, you can write this program in …
neotest-golang: Reliable Neotest adapter for running Go tests in Neovim. ⭐️ Features
GoFr is Opinionated Web Framework written in Go (Golang). It helps in building robust and scalable applications. This framework is designed to offer a user-friendly and familiar abstraction for all …