Nodejs_Succinctly – úplné základy NodeJS
Building Scalable Apps with Redis and Node.js – express, redis, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), connect-flash, Socket.IO, Authenticating, OAuth, RabbitMQ, Bower, React, BackboneJavaScript Best Practices, Istanbul, Twelve Factor App, JSHint, Content Delivery Network (CDN), Deployment and Scalability, EC2, Ansible, Debugging, node-inspector
Node.js High Performance – Development Patterns, Garbage Collection, CPU Profiling, TDD, Continuous integration, Bottlenecks
Node.js Blueprints – Common Programming Paradigms, CommonJS, Express, AngularJS, MySQL, WebSockets, Socket.IO, Backbone.js, Command-line Tool, Flickr, Ember.js, Grunt, Gulp, Automated testing, Test-driven development (TDD), Behavior-driven development (BDD), Jasmine, Mocha, PhantomJS, DalekJS, REST API, Developing Desktop Apps.
Pro REST API Development with Node.js – Stateless, Cacheable, Uniform Interface, Resources, Status Codes, XML-RPC, SOAP, WSDL, MVC, MVVM, MVA, HAPI, Express, Restify, Vatican, Swagger, I/O Docs, Halson, HAL, JSON-Gate, TV4, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
Smashing Node.js JavaScript Everywhere
REST API Design Rulebook – Representational State Transfer (REST) is a technical description of how the World Wide Web* works. Specifically, REST tells us how the Web achieves its great scale. If the Web can be said to have an “operating system,” its architectural style is REST.
A REST Application Programming Interface (REST API) is a type of web server that enables a client, either user-operated or automated, to access resources that model a system’s data and functions.
This book is a REST API designer’s style guide and reference. It proposes a set of rules that you can leverage to design and develop REST APIs.
Nodedotjs By Example – Node.js Fundamentals, modules, events, child_process, Grunt, Gulp, Test-driven development, Mocha, Model-View-Controller, REST API concept, Assets, CSS preprocessing, RequireJS, Browserify, handlebars, Ractive.js, MongoDB, WebSockets, Socket.IO, PhantomJS, DalekJS,
Deploying Nodedotjs – Events, Streams, Browserify, HTTPS, TLS (SSL), Heroku, OpenShift, MongoDB, Docker, Scaling Node, child_process, spawn, fork, exec, cluster, Nginx, node-http-proxy, AMQP, UDP, Microservices, Redis, Seneca, Optimizing JavaScript, CloudFlare, JSON Web Token (JWT), Monitoring Applications, Logging, Morgan, Node REPL, Profiling processes, PM2, Nodetime, New Relic, Gulp, Node debugger, Mocha, Chai, Sinon, Stubs, Mocks, PhantomJS, CasperJS, Deploying and Maintaining, GitHub, Vagrant, Ansible, Jenkins, Semver
Express.js Blueprints – Jade, Local user authentication, Express middleware, OAuth with passport, Mocha, Travis, CRUD operations, Mongoose, should.js, Promises, Socket.IO, nodemailer, node-cron, Koa.js
RESTful Web API Design with Node.js – WADL, SOAP, WSDL, Sinon.JS, Nodejitsu, Microsoft Azure, LevelDB, MongoDB, Mongoose, Caching, express-cache-control, Authentication, Passport, Authorization,
Mastering Node.js – Events, Network, UDP, V8, Memory and other limits, Garbage Collection, Harmony, The process object, REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop), events, Signals, child_process, File events, process.nextTick, Timers, event loop, stream, HTTP requests, HTTPS, TLS (SSL), cookies, content types, Directories, File operations, walk, file uploads, concurrency, Express, Redis, AJAX, Socket.IO, Multithreading, cluster, Nginx, HTTP Proxy, RabbitMQ, UDP, debugger, Sandboxing, vm, Mocha, ZombieJS, module object, Path Framework, C++ Add-ons
Advanced Express Web Application Development – Mocha, SuperTest, JSCoverage, Winston, Mongoose, consolidate.js, Backbone.js, Redis, Socket.IO, Passport, HTTPS, Cross-site request forgery (CRSF), Helmet, Scaling, Cluster, Hipache, Production, Caching, Favicon, Compression
RESTful Web Services
REST in Practice
RESTful Web Services Cookbook
RESTful Web APIs
Web Development with Node and Express
Express.js Guide
Web Development with Jade
Pro Express.js
Express Web Application Development
Socket.IO Real-time Web Application Development
Realtime Web Apps
The Definitive Guide to HTML5 WebSocket