Go DNS package

Go DNS is a package that implements a DNS interface in Go. This library takes a new, innovative and enterprise ready approach sends and receives queries to and from the DNS. It is …

golang: libs for managing work queues

asynq Asynq is a Go library for queueing tasks and processing them asynchronously with workers. It’s backed by Redisand is designed to be scalable yet easy to get started. Highlevel overview …


gomock is a mocking framework for the Go programming language. It integrates well with Go’s built-in testingpackage, but can be used in other contexts too.


roumon: A goroutine monitor to keep track of active routines from within your favorite shell. Features Track live state of all active goroutines Terminal user interface written with termui 🤓 Simple to integrate pprof …

better go playground

Improved Go Playground powered by Monaco Editor and React – https://goplay.tools/ Features 🌚 Dark theme 💡 Code autocomplete 💾 Load and save files 📔 Snippets and tutorials ⚙ Customization (fonts, ligatures, etc) 🛠 WebAssembly support


Fast, configurable, extensible, flexible, and beautiful linter for Go. Drop-in replacement of golint. Revive provides a framework for development of custom rules, and lets you define a strict preset for …

go: mongo connection pool

Píšu celkem jednoduchou aplikaci pro práci nad Git repozitáři v GitHubu. Jedním z požadavků je perzistování nagrebovaných meta informací do MongoDB pro další analytické zpracování. Úzkým hrdlem je práce se …