GOLANG development with modd

Modd (https://github.com/cortesi/modd) is a tool to listen to file system changes and launch process. Configuring it is as easy as creating a modd.conf file on root project path and setting the commands …

kubectx + kubens: power tools for kubectl

kubctx: Switch faster between clusters and namespaces in kubectl. This repository provides both kubectx and kubens tools. kubectx kubectx is a utility to manage and switch between kubectl(1) contexts. kubens …

Post-it app

Are you scrum master, developer or product manager? Do you search way how you can be more efficient? Post-it app is amazing app for woks with post stickers. Brainstorm. Capture. …

Go Bullet Train (GBT)

GBT. Highly configurable prompt builder for Bash and ZSH written in Go. It’s inspired by the Oh My ZSHBullet Train theme. GBT comes with an interesting feature called prompt forwarding which allows to forward …

iTerm in Alfred

If are you using pretty cool app Alfred instead of default Spotlight, then you have to use default terminal integration. It’s no good, when you have on your Mac installed …

golang: Yaegi is Another Elegant Go Interprete

Yaegi is Another Elegant Go Interpreter. It powers executable Go scripts and plugins, in embedded interpreters or interactive shells, on top of the Go runtime. Features Complete support of Go specification …