
MeetingBar is a menu bar app for your calendar meetings (macOS 10.15+). Features Show the next meeting in the system statusbar Show upcoming meeting with name or hidden Shorten title to …


The .fdignore file has the same syntax as .gitignore, meaning that the trailing slash denotes a folder. The leading slash denotes that only the entry placed at the top level should be ignored. …


How to update all plugins in Vim/NeoVim from command line. Add this line to .basrc or .zshrc. And then easy run source ~/.[basrc|zshrc] and finally nvimup


impatient.nvim Speed up loading Lua modules in Neovim to improve startup time. Right buffer is before and left buffer is after installation of plugin.


mongo-nvim Features Browse MongoDB databases with Telescope Browse a Mongo database’s collections with Telescope Browse a collection’s documents with Telescope Edit a picked document from Neovim Requirements Nvim >= 0.5 …


go.nvim A modern go neovim plugin based on treesitter, nvim-lsp and dap debugger. It is written in Lua and async as much as possible. PR & Suggestions welcome. The plugin …


stats: macOS system monitor in your menu bar Features Stats is an application that allows you to monitor your macOS system. CPU utilization GPU utilization Memory usage Disk utilization Sensors …