50 useful vim commands

Here are 50 useful Vim commands that work in normal mode. Many of these can be combined and modified to produce dozens more. Use these as inspiration for your own …


With pantran.nvim, you can use your favorite machine translation engines without having to leave your favorite editor. It makes use of Neovim’s api-floatwin to implement an asynchronous, interactive machine translation interface, similar …


mongo.nvim: A NeoVim frontend for mongosh. MongoDB Compass is a great tool, but when you want to edit a large document, it really begins to slow down, and on top …


noice.nvim: Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu. ✨ Features 🌅 fully configurable views like nvim-notify, splits, popups, virtual text, .. 🔍 use filters to route messages to different views 🌈 message highlights are preserved in the views (like the …

Interaction with databases in neovim

dadbod.vim: Dadbod is a Vim plugin for interacting with databases.  Connections are specified with a single URL, rather than prompting you for 14 separate variables All interaction is through invoking :DB, …

nvim: diagnostic window

https://github.com/cseickel/diagnostic-window.nvim Shows the diagnostic messages for the given line in a split window. This was created to help decipher very long typescript messages that don’t fit nicely into a floating …


helix: A post-modern text editor. Powerful code manipulation Navigate and select functions, classes, comments, etc and select syntax tree nodes instead of plain text. Language server support Language specific auto completion, goto definition, documentation, diagnostics …

neovim: Indent Blackline

indent-blackline.nvim: This plugin adds indentation guides to all lines (including empty lines). It uses Neovims virtual text feature and no conceal This plugin requires Neovim 0.5 or higher. It makes use …