
rest.nvim makes use of a curl wrapper made in pure Lua by tami5 and implemented in plenary.nvim so, in other words, rest.nvim is a curl wrapper so you don’t have to leave Neovim! Features

Vim REST Console (VRC)

VRC is a Vim plug-in to help send requests to and display responses from RESTful services in Vim. It’s useful for working with REST services that use JSON to exchange information …


docker-nvim: A simple neovim plugin for executing commands in running docker containers and redirecting their ouptut into a buffer.


nvim-devdocs is a plugin which brings DevDocs documentations into neovim. Install, search and preview documentations directly inside neovim in markdown format with telescope integration. You can also use custom commands like glow to render …

neovim: wtf

wtf: A Neovim plugin to help you work out what the fudge that diagnostic means and how to fix it! wtf.nvim provides faster and more efficient ways of working with the buffer line’s diagnostic messages …

Charting the nvim ecosystem

Charting the nvim ecosystem The nvim ecosystem is quite large with many moving parts, so I tried to chart out „state-of-the-art“ components that make up the ecosystem.


lazydocker.nvim: Simple and straightforward plugin that allows the user to open lazydocker without quitting their current Neovim section.


troublesum.nvim: Neovim plugin to show diagnostics summary in the buffer’s corner, similar to JetBrains‘ inspections widget.

Intel One Mono Typeface

Introducing Intel One Mono, an expressive monospaced font family that’s built with clarity, legibility, and the needs of developers in mind. It’s easier to read, and available for free, with …