



  • 🪶 Lightweight and asynchronous
  • 💻 Written in Lua
  • ⚙️ Easily customizable and extendable
  • ⏱️ Run multiple concurrent timers and repeat timers
  • ➕ Integrate with nvim-notifylualine, and more


  • :TimerStart TIMELIMIT [NAME] to start a new timer.The time limit can be specified in hours, minutes, seconds, or a combination of those, and shouldn’t include any spaces. For example:
    • :TimerStart 25m Work to start a timer for 25 minutes called „Work“.
    • :TimerStart 10s to start a timer for 10 seconds.
    • :TimerStart 1h30m to start a timer for an hour and a half.
    pomo.nvim will recognize multiple forms of the time units, such as „m“, „min“, „minute“, or „minutes“ for minutes.
  • :TimerStop [TIMERID] to stop a running timer, e.g. :TimerStop 1. If no ID is given, the latest timer is stopped.
  • :TimerRepeat TIMELIMIT REPETITIONS [NAME] to start a repeat timer, e.g. :TimerRepeat 10s 2 to repeat a 10 second timer twice.