golang: panicparse
panicparse: Parses panic stack traces, densifies and deduplicates goroutines with similar stack traces. Helps debugging crashes and deadlocks in heavily parallelized process. >50% more compact output than original stack dump …
panicparse: Parses panic stack traces, densifies and deduplicates goroutines with similar stack traces. Helps debugging crashes and deadlocks in heavily parallelized process. >50% more compact output than original stack dump …
Playground has long been a neat online sandbox for playing with Go related ideas and this week it has taken two huge steps forward: Third party import support. Packages get pulled in …
uiprogress: A Go library to render progress bars in terminal applications. It provides a set of flexible features with a customizable API. Progress bars improve readability for terminal applications with …
redis-full-check Redis-full-check is used to compare whether two redis have the same data. We also offer a data synchronization tool called redis-shake to syncing data from one redis to another redis. Redis-full-check …
GoReleaser is a release automation tool for Go projects. The goal is to simplify the build, release and publish steps while providing variant customization options for all steps. GoReleaser builds Go …
Našel jsem ctop, což je pěkná utilitka pro monitoring běžících Docker kontejnerů na vašem stroji. Je asi dobré vědět, jak který kontejner cvičí s vašim procesorem, síťovnkou, nebo ramkou… Pěkné …
Jasně, můžete psát dashboard GUI pro prohlížeč, ale může se stát, že chcete přímo v terminálu nějak zobrazovat komplikovanější, nebo komplexnější data, a nebo nechcete rádoby jednoduchou aplikaci rozdělovat na …
summary: is based on real-world experience focuses on large-scale engineering focuses on maintainability keeps it simple and straightforward makes things explicit and obvious is easy to learn provides one way …
Asi je dobré čas od času se podívat, jestli moduly, které ve své aplikaci nejsou zastaralé a třeba bez důvodu potřeby nových funkcí, ale jen proto, že mohou obsahovat fixy …