gore: Yet another Go REPL

gore: Yet another Go REPL that works nicely. Featured with line editing, code completion, and more. Features Line editing with history Multi-line input Package importing with completion Evaluates any expressions, …

noise: A decentralized P2P networking stack written in Go.

noise is an opinionated, easy-to-use P2P network stack for decentralized applications, and cryptographic protocols written in Go. noise is made to be minimal, robust, developer-friendly, performant, secure, and cross-platform across multitudes of …

Ginkgo: BDD testing in Golang

Ginkgo is a BDD-style Go testing framework built to help you efficiently write expressive and comprehensive tests. It is best paired with the Gomega matcher library but is designed to be matcher-agnostic. Feature …

Go: generation of Static Single Assignment

Static single assignment form In compiler design, static single assignment form (often abbreviated as SSA form or simply SSA) is a property of an intermediate representation (IR), which requires that each variable is assigned exactly once, and every variable …

logrus: Structured, pluggable logging for Go.

Logrus is a structured logger for Go (golang), completely API compatible with the standard library logger. Seeing weird case-sensitive problems? It’s in the past been possible to import Logrus as both …


lf (as in „list files“) is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are …

Go’s Tooling Cheat Sheet

„Go’s Tooling Cheat Sheet“ contains lots of handy commands for a perfect development workflow in Go language.