
RESTART: Provokativní, minimalistická a mimořádně poučná příručka zakladatelů známé americké firmy 37signals, proslavené úspěšnou webovou aplikací Basecamp a dalšími projekty, vás přinutí přehodnotit všechno, co jste se dosud dozvěděli o …

How build own Docker image in Golang

I need build some Docker image directly from my Golang application. I spent some time on Google but I didn’t find any fully functional example of Goland code… And then …


dive: A tool for exploring a docker image, layer contents, and discovering ways to shrink the size of your Docker/OCI image. To analyze a Docker image simply run dive with … is a companion website to is the home of the open source project and distribution, while is the hub for Go users providing centralized and curated resources from across the Go ecosystem. …

Go Turns 10

This weekend we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Go release, marking the 10th birthday of Go as an open-source programming language and ecosystem for building modern networked software. Happy birthday, …


fresh: Build and (re)start go web apps after saving/creating/deleting source files. Fresh is a command line tool that builds and (re)starts your web application everytime you save a Go or …


gotop: A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop. Another terminal based graphical activity monitor, inspired by gtop and vtop, this time written in Go! CLI Options -c, –color=NAME Set a colorscheme.-m, –minimal Only show …