BigCache & FreeCache


bigcache: Fast, concurrent, evicting in-memory cache written to keep big number of entries without impact on performance. BigCache keeps entries on heap but omits GC for them. To achieve that, operations on byte slices take place, therefore entries (de)serialization in front of the cache will be needed in most use cases.


import (

cache, _ := bigcache.New(context.Background(), bigcache.DefaultConfig(10 * time.Minute))

cache.Set("my-unique-key", []byte("value"))

entry, _ := cache.Get("my-unique-key")

FreeCache – A cache library for Go with zero GC overhead and high concurrent performance.

freecache: Long lived objects in memory introduce expensive GC overhead, With FreeCache, you can cache unlimited number of objects in memory without increased latency and degraded throughput.


  • Store hundreds of millions of entries
  • Zero GC overhead
  • High concurrent thread-safe access
  • Pure Go implementation
  • Expiration support
  • Nearly LRU algorithm
  • Strictly limited memory usage
  • Come with a toy server that supports a few basic Redis commands with pipeline
  • Iterator support

Example Usage

// In bytes, where 1024 * 1024 represents a single Megabyte, and 100 * 1024*1024 represents 100 Megabytes.
cacheSize := 100 * 1024 * 1024
cache := freecache.NewCache(cacheSize)
key := []byte("abc")
val := []byte("def")
expire := 60 // expire in 60 seconds
cache.Set(key, val, expire)
got, err := cache.Get(key)
if err != nil {
} else {
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", got)
affected := cache.Del(key)
fmt.Println("deleted key ", affected)
fmt.Println("entry count ", cache.EntryCount())
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