How to update all plugins in Vim/NeoVim from command line. Add this line to .basrc or .zshrc. And then easy run source ~/.[basrc|zshrc] and finally nvimup
gitsigns.nvim: Super fast git decorations implemented purely in lua/teal. Features Signs for added, removed, and changed lines Asynchronous using luv Navigation between hunks Stage hunks (with undo) Preview diffs of hunks …
instant.nvim is a collaborative editing plugin for Neovim written in Lua with no dependencies. Design document Protocol Deploy a server API Commands Technical Overview Features Powerful collaborative editing algorithm UTF-8 Support Single or multiple buffer sharing Virtual …
Dadbod is a Vim plugin for interacting with databases. It’s a more modern take on dbext.vim, improving on it on the following ways: Connections are specified with a single URL, rather …
Using Vim’s expression register, you can do some basic math. Here’s how it works: 1. In Insert mode, hit Ctrl-r and then hit = 2. In a new prompt, starting with = type your operation, …
If You are lazy developer as me, maybe you are seeing this small shit tool in go like useable for quick and comfy way how to update local installed nvim …
I was playing with my vimrc file ~/.config/nvim/init.vim for about 2 hours… And this is result. I am happy with this. My config is fully functionally and pretty fast. Result
VimTip1 SearchingVimTip2 Easy edit of files in the same directoryVimTip3 Compile Java with JikesVimTip4 Any word completionVimTip6 Moving to matching bracesVimTip7 Jumping to the start and end of a code blockVimTip8 Jumping to the declaration of a …