Go Nullable with Generics

Package gonull provides a generic Nullable type for handling nullable values in a convenient way. This is useful when working with databases and JSON, where nullable values are common. Unlike other nullable …


shottr: Screenshot tool for designersfront-end engineersmobile developersthose who care about pixels. Shottr is a small, fast, human-sized screenshot app built for those who care about pixels. It was crafted with …


dive: A tool for exploring a docker image, layer contents, and discovering ways to shrink the size of your Docker/OCI image. To analyze a Docker image simply run dive with …

go: GChalk

https://github.com/jwalton/gchalk is a library heavily inspired by chalk, the popular Node.js terminal color library, and using go ports of supports-color and ansi-styles. Features Expressive API Highly performant Ability to nest styles 256/Truecolor color support with …

golang: debugging application in neovim

vimspector The plugin is a capable Vim graphical debugger for multiple languages DAP (Debug Adapter Protocol) nvim-dap is a Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim (>= 0.5). nvim-dap allows you to: Launch an application …

italic in tmux

1. Check if italic font is supported 2. Create screen-256color.terminfo 3. Execute the command 4. Add the following lines to .vimrc: 5. Add the following line to .tmux.conf: 6. Add to ~/.zshrc …


Pulsar is a distributed pub-sub messaging platform with a very flexible messaging model and an intuitive client API. Main features Horizontally scalable (Millions of independent topics and millions of messages …


Queues Keep your queue short Many messages in a queue can put a heavy load on RAM usage. In order to free up RAM, RabbitMQ starts flushing (page out) messages …