
Godash is inspired by utility library lodash. This library has many functions which make your life easier as a developer and solved different usual problems that every programmers face with them …


colly: Lightning Fast and Elegant Scraping Framework for Gophers. Colly provides a clean interface to write any kind of crawler/scraper/spider. With Colly you can easily extract structured data from websites, …


carbon: A simple, semantic and developer-friendly golang package for datetime Carbon has been included by awesome-go, if you think it is helpful, please give me a star

permify: open source authorization service

Permify is an open-source authorization service for creating and maintaining fine-grained authorizations in your applications. Permify’s data model is inspired by Google’s consistent, global authorization system, Google Zanzibar Paper. Zanzibar: Google’s Consistent Global Authorization …


Go tester is a way to avoid the context switching in running a test suite in your golang project. Commands Commands Description GoTestFileOnSave Test current buffer on save. GoTestPackageOnSave Test …


nvim-go: A minimal implementation of Golang development plugin written in Lua for Neovim. Features Auto format with :GoFormat (via goimports, gofmt, and gofumpt) when saving. Run linters with :GoLint (via revive) automatically. Quickly test with :GoTest, :GoTestFunc, :GoTestFile and :GoTestAll. Import packages with :GoGet and :GoImport. …


gomock is a mocking framework for the Go programming language. It integrates well with Go’s built-in testingpackage, but can be used in other contexts too.