Go: command benchcmp

The benchcmp command displays performance changes between benchmarks. Benchcmp parses the output of two ‚go test‘ benchmark runs, correlates the results per benchmark, and displays the deltas. To measure the …

Go package problem on GitLab

This happens on Golang from version 1.13. I verify this after reading this https://golang.org/doc/go1.13#modules Problem go get -u gitlab.com/fast-and-comfy/internal # cd .; git clone — https://gitlab.com/fast-and-comfy/internal.git /Users/pepa/go/src/gitlab.com/fast-and-comfy/system Cloning into ‚/Users/pepa/go/src/gitlab.com/fast-and-comfy/system’… fatal: …

Test if port is opened in Golang

Sometime lYou need to know if is the concrete port is opened. Build go build Use ./isopened pepa.holla.cz 443 // true ./isopened p1233.holla.cz 80 // false // or go run …

Continuous Code Quality for Go

GolangCI detects and comments issues in GitHub pull requests: bugs, style violations, anti-pattern instances. Automated Code Fixes Linters go vet Vet examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs, such …

TDD v Golangu, GoConvey

Lety nabité zkušenosti mi říkají, že testy jsou něco, co vám i vašemu developerskému týmu může významně pomoct. A to néjen, ale samozřejmě primárně i proto, protože chcete zvyšovat kvalitu, …

How build own Docker image in Golang

I need build some Docker image directly from my Golang application. I spent some time on Google but I didn’t find any fully functional example of Goland code… And then …


Go.dev is a companion website to golang.org. Golang.org is the home of the open source project and distribution, while go.dev is the hub for Go users providing centralized and curated resources from across the Go ecosystem. …