lf (as in „list files“) is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are …

Go’s Tooling Cheat Sheet

„Go’s Tooling Cheat Sheet“ contains lots of handy commands for a perfect development workflow in Go language.

Go: command benchcmp

The benchcmp command displays performance changes between benchmarks. Benchcmp parses the output of two ‚go test‘ benchmark runs, correlates the results per benchmark, and displays the deltas. To measure the …

Go package problem on GitLab

This happens on Golang from version 1.13. I verify this after reading this https://golang.org/doc/go1.13#modules Problem go get -u gitlab.com/fast-and-comfy/internal # cd .; git clone — https://gitlab.com/fast-and-comfy/internal.git /Users/pepa/go/src/gitlab.com/fast-and-comfy/system Cloning into ‚/Users/pepa/go/src/gitlab.com/fast-and-comfy/system’… fatal: …


convey: A command-line tool that makes it easy to pipe between machines. Convey is a command-line tool with a simple goal, to make it easy to pipe between machines. Pipes …