
dive: A tool for exploring a docker image, layer contents, and discovering ways to shrink the size of your Docker/OCI image. To analyze a Docker image simply run dive with …

Interaction with databases in neovim

dadbod.vim: Dadbod is a Vim plugin for interacting with databases.  Connections are specified with a single URL, rather than prompting you for 14 separate variables All interaction is through invoking :DB, …


flameshot: Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software. Features Customizable appearance. Easy to use. In-app screenshot editing. DBus interface. Upload to Imgur. Usage Executing the command flameshot without parameters will launch a …


Feature-rich Interactive Jira Command Line JiraCLI is an interactive command line tool for Atlassian Jira that will help you avoid Jira UI to some extent. This tool is not yet …

nvim: diagnostic window

https://github.com/cseickel/diagnostic-window.nvim Shows the diagnostic messages for the given line in a split window. This was created to help decipher very long typescript messages that don’t fit nicely into a floating …


nvim-go: A minimal implementation of Golang development plugin written in Lua for Neovim. Features Auto format with :GoFormat (via goimports, gofmt, and gofumpt) when saving. Run linters with :GoLint (via revive) automatically. Quickly test with :GoTest, :GoTestFunc, :GoTestFile and :GoTestAll. Import packages with :GoGet and :GoImport. …