
helix: A post-modern text editor.

Powerful code manipulation

Navigate and select functions, classes, comments, etc and select syntax tree nodes instead of plain text.

Language server support

Language specific auto completion, goto definition, documentation, diagnostics and other IDE features with no additional configuration.

Tree-sitter integration

Tree-sitter produces error tolerant and robust syntax trees, which enables better syntax highlighting, indent calculation and code navigation.

Built in Rust, for the terminal

No Electron. No VimScript. No JavaScript. Use it over ssh, tmux, or a plain terminal. Your laptop battery life will thank you.

Multiple selections

Multiple cursors as a core editing primitive, inspired by Kakoune. Commands manipulate selections which allows concurrent code editing.


Many people move from VS Code to terminal-based modal editors for increased performance. Neovim and Helix are both written in compiled languages and are an order of magnitude faster and more responsive.

Helix seems slightly faster, but there is not any real difference to be concerned with. Both are extremely snappy.