Vimium is a browser extension that provides keyboard-based navigation and control of the web in the spirit of the Vim editor.
Installation instructions:
Install via the Chrome web store or the Firefox Addons site.
Keyboard Bindings
Modifier keys are specified as <c-x>
, <m-x>
, and <a-x>
for ctrl+x, meta+x, and alt+x respectively. For shift+x and ctrl-shift-x, just type X
and <c-X>
. See the next section for how to customize these bindings.
Once you have Vimium installed, you can see this list of key bindings at any time by typing ?
Navigating the current page:
? show the help dialog for a list of all available keys
h scroll left
j scroll down
k scroll up
l scroll right
gg scroll to top of the page
G scroll to bottom of the page
d scroll down half a page
u scroll up half a page
f open a link in the current tab
F open a link in a new tab
r reload
gs view source
i enter insert mode -- all commands will be ignored until you hit Esc to exit
yy copy the current url to the clipboard
yf copy a link url to the clipboard
gf cycle forward to the next frame
gF focus the main/top frame
Navigating to new pages:
o Open URL, bookmark, or history entry
O Open URL, bookmark, history entry in a new tab
b Open bookmark
B Open bookmark in a new tab
Using find:
/ enter find mode
-- type your search query and hit enter to search, or Esc to cancel
n cycle forward to the next find match
N cycle backward to the previous find match
For advanced usage, see regular expressions on the wiki.
Navigating your history:
H go back in history
L go forward in history
Manipulating tabs:
J, gT go one tab left
K, gt go one tab right
g0 go to the first tab
g$ go to the last tab
^ visit the previously-visited tab
t create tab
yt duplicate current tab
x close current tab
X restore closed tab (i.e. unwind the 'x' command)
T search through your open tabs
W move current tab to new window
<a-p> pin/unpin current tab
Using marks:
ma, mA set local mark "a" (global mark "A")
`a, `A jump to local mark "a" (global mark "A")
`` jump back to the position before the previous jump
-- that is, before the previous gg, G, n, N, / or `a