Cross platform rapid GUI framework for golang based on Dear ImGui and the great golang binding imgui-go.
Supported Platforms
The supported platforms depends on GLFW v3.3, so idealy giu could support all platforms that GLFW v3.3 supports.
- Windows (only tested on Windows 10 x64)
- MacOS (only tested on MacOS v10.15)
- Linux (not tested, many thanks if anyone could help to test…)
- Raspberry pi 3b (thanks sndvaps to test it)
Compare to other Dear ImGui golang bindings, giu has following features:
- Live-update during the resizing of OS window (implemented on GLFW 3.3 and OpenGL 3.2).
- Redraw only when user event occurred. Costs only 0.5% CPU usage with 60FPS.
- Declarative UI (see examples for more detail).
- Drop in usage, no need to implement render and platform.
- Freetype font rendering support.
- OS clipboard support.

Hello world
package main
import (
g ""
func onClickMe() {
fmt.Println("Hello world!")
func onImSoCute() {
fmt.Println("Im sooooooo cute!!")
func loop() {
g.SingleWindow("hello world", g.Layout{
g.Label("Hello world from giu"),
g.Button("Click Me", onClickMe),
g.Button("I'm so cute", onImSoCute)),
func main() {
wnd := g.NewMasterWindow("Hello world", 400, 200, false, nil)