iTerm in Alfred

If are you using pretty cool app Alfred instead of default Spotlight, then you have to use default terminal integration. It’s no good, when you have on your Mac installed another amazing terminal app iTerm2.

Because I am using iTerm2 every day for my work, I don’t like that in Alfred I have old integration to MacOS Terminal application.

How can change it?

In Alfred preferences, on tab Features, section Terminal You must change Application from value Terminal to Custom and then insert this code instead old piece code.

on alfred_script(q)
	if application "iTerm2" is running or application "iTerm" is running then
		run script "
			on run {q}
				tell application \"iTerm\"
						select first window
						set onlywindow to true
					on error
						create window with default profile
						select first window
						set onlywindow to true
					end try
					tell the first window
						if onlywindow is false then
							create tab with default profile
						end if
						tell current session to write text q
					end tell
				end tell
			end run
		" with parameters {q}
		run script "
			on run {q}
				tell application \"iTerm\"
						select first window
					on error
						create window with default profile
						select first window
					end try
					tell the first window
						tell current session to write text q
					end tell
				end tell
			end run
		" with parameters {q}
	end if
end alfred_script
