
A git interface for Neovim, inspired by Magit. Usage You can either open Neogit by using the Neogit command: :Neogit “ Open the status buffer in a new tab :Neogit cwd=<cwd> “ Use a …

Charting the nvim ecosystem

Charting the nvim ecosystem The nvim ecosystem is quite large with many moving parts, so I tried to chart out „state-of-the-art“ components that make up the ecosystem.

nvim: diagnostic window Shows the diagnostic messages for the given line in a split window. This was created to help decipher very long typescript messages that don’t fit nicely into a floating …


code_runner.nvim Functions All run commands allow restart. So, for example, if you use a command that does not have hot reload, you can call a command again and it will …


How to update all plugins in Vim/NeoVim from command line. Add this line to .basrc or .zshrc. And then easy run source ~/.[basrc|zshrc] and finally nvimup


impatient.nvim Speed up loading Lua modules in Neovim to improve startup time. Right buffer is before and left buffer is after installation of plugin.


mongo-nvim Features Browse MongoDB databases with Telescope Browse a Mongo database’s collections with Telescope Browse a collection’s documents with Telescope Edit a picked document from Neovim Requirements Nvim >= 0.5 …

lazy developer with nvim

If You are lazy developer as me, maybe you are seeing this small shit tool in go like useable for quick and comfy way how to update local installed nvim …