neovimconf2023 Your favorite editor’s conference! The annual conference about your favorite editor! For the third time we invite you to join us for a day of talks and celebration of …
neovimconf2023 Your favorite editor’s conference! The annual conference about your favorite editor! For the third time we invite you to join us for a day of talks and celebration of …
Charting the nvim ecosystem The nvim ecosystem is quite large with many moving parts, so I tried to chart out „state-of-the-art“ components that make up the ecosystem.
code_runner.nvim Functions All run commands allow restart. So, for example, if you use a command that does not have hot reload, you can call a command again and it will …
gitsigns.nvim: Super fast git decorations implemented purely in lua/teal. Features Signs for added, removed, and changed lines Asynchronous using luv Navigation between hunks Stage hunks (with undo) Preview diffs of hunks …
instant.nvim is a collaborative editing plugin for Neovim written in Lua with no dependencies. Design document Protocol Deploy a server API Commands Technical Overview Features Powerful collaborative editing algorithm UTF-8 Support Single or multiple buffer sharing Virtual …
If You are lazy developer as me, maybe you are seeing this small shit tool in go like useable for quick and comfy way how to update local installed nvim …
vimspector The plugin is a capable Vim graphical debugger for multiple languages DAP (Debug Adapter Protocol) nvim-dap is a Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim (>= 0.5). nvim-dap allows you to: Launch an application …
I was playing with my vimrc file ~/.config/nvim/init.vim for about 2 hours… And this is result. I am happy with this. My config is fully functionally and pretty fast. Result
I am used to write or edit my code in vim long time. But this year I want to be more efficiency in this. And this is my first step. …