exa is unmaintained, use the fork eza instead

exa: This repository isn’t archived because the only person with the rights to do so is unreachable. eza: is a modern, maintained replacement for the venerable file-listing command-line program ls that ships …


ShellCheck – A shell script static analysis tool. ShellCheck is a GPLv3 tool that gives warnings and suggestions for bash/sh shell scripts: The goals of ShellCheck are See the gallery of …

Charting the nvim ecosystem

Charting the nvim ecosystem The nvim ecosystem is quite large with many moving parts, so I tried to chart out „state-of-the-art“ components that make up the ecosystem.


lazydocker.nvim: Simple and straightforward plugin that allows the user to open lazydocker without quitting their current Neovim section.


troublesum.nvim: Neovim plugin to show diagnostics summary in the buffer’s corner, similar to JetBrains‘ inspections widget.

pop: Send emails from your terminal

pop: Text-based User Interface. SMTP Configuration To configure pop to use SMTP, you can set the following environment variables. Environment To avoid typing your From:  email address, you can also set the POP_FROM environment to pre-fill …