
templ – build HTML with Go Create components that render fragments of HTML and compose them to create screens, pages, documents, or apps.


LocalStack is a cloud service emulator that runs in a single container on your laptop or in your CI environment. With LocalStack, you can run your AWS applications or Lambdas entirely …


docker-nvim: A simple neovim plugin for executing commands in running docker containers and redirecting their ouptut into a buffer.


goimports-reviser: Tool for Golang to sort goimports by 3-4 groups(with own linter): std, general, company(which is optional) and project dependencies. Also, formatting for your code will be prepared(so, you don’t need …


gofumpt: Enforce a stricter format than gofmt, while being backwards compatible. That is, gofumpt is happy with a subset of the formats that gofmt is happy with. The tool is a fork of gofmt as of Go …


Golines is a golang formatter that shortens long lines, in addition to all of the formatting fixes done by gofmt.


Flameshow is a terminal Flamegraph viewer. Features


zellij: A terminal workspace with batteries included. Zellij is a workspace aimed at developers, ops-oriented people and anyone who loves the terminal. At its core, it is a terminal multiplexer …


nvim-devdocs is a plugin which brings DevDocs documentations into neovim. Install, search and preview documentations directly inside neovim in markdown format with telescope integration. You can also use custom commands like glow to render …

neovim: wtf

wtf: A Neovim plugin to help you work out what the fudge that diagnostic means and how to fix it! wtf.nvim provides faster and more efficient ways of working with the buffer line’s diagnostic messages …