
impatient.nvim Speed up loading Lua modules in Neovim to improve startup time. Right buffer is before and left buffer is after installation of plugin.


instant.nvim is a collaborative editing plugin for Neovim written in Lua with no dependencies. Design document Protocol Deploy a server API Commands Technical Overview Features Powerful collaborative editing algorithm UTF-8 Support Single or multiple buffer sharing Virtual …

interacting with databases in vim

Dadbod is a Vim plugin for interacting with databases. It’s a more modern take on dbext.vim, improving on it on the following ways: Connections are specified with a single URL, rather …


🐙 Octo.nvim Edit and review GitHub issues and pull requests from the comfort of your favorite editor. ✨ Features Edit GitHub issues and PRs Add/Modify/Delete comments Add/Remove label, reactions, assignees, project cards, …

calculator in vim

Using Vim’s expression register, you can do some basic math. Here’s how it works: 1. In Insert mode, hit Ctrl-r and then hit = 2. In a new prompt, starting with = type your operation, …

lazy developer with nvim

If You are lazy developer as me, maybe you are seeing this small shit tool in go like useable for quick and comfy way how to update local installed nvim …

My NeoVim in 2021: next step

I was playing with my vimrc file ~/.config/nvim/init.vim for about 2 hours… And this is result. I am happy with this. My config is fully functionally and pretty fast. Result

My NeoVim in 2021

I am used to write or edit my code in vim long time. But this year I want to be more efficiency in this. And this is my first step. …