
noice.nvim: Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messagescmdline and the popupmenu.

✨ Features

  • 🌅 fully configurable views like nvim-notify, splits, popups, virtual text, ..
  • 🔍 use filters to route messages to different views
  • 🌈 message highlights are preserved in the views (like the colors of :hi)
  • 📝 command output like :messages is shown in normal buffers, which makes it much easier to work with
  • 📚 :Noice command to show a full message history
  • ⌨️ no more :h more-prompt
  • 💻 fully customizable cmdline with icons
  • 💅 syntax highlighting for vim and lua on the cmdline
  • 🚥 statusline components
  • 🔭 open message history in telescope.nvim