go: creating pdf documents

A Maroto way to create PDFs. Maroto is inspired in Bootstrap and uses Gofpdf. Fast and simple. Maroto definition: Brazilian expression, means an astute/clever/intelligent person. Art by @marinabankr You can write your PDFs …


go-pretty: Utilities to prettify console output of tables, lists, progress-bars, text, etc. with a heavy emphasis on customization. Execute go run github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/v6/cmd/demo-table@latest colors to get:


OrbStack is a fast, light, and simple way to run containers and Linux machines. It’s a supercharged alternative to Docker Desktop and WSL, all in one easy-to-use app. Fast, light, simple …


rustaceanvim Supercharge your Rust experience in Neovim!A heavily modified fork of rust-tools.nvim  Quick Links ❔ Do I need rustaceanvim If you are starting out with Rust, Neovim’s built-in LSP client API (see :h …


Fyne is an easy-to-use UI toolkit and app API written in Go. It is designed to build applications that run on desktop and mobile devices with a single codebase. To develop …